[IXP JUJ] [Fwd: [Coordinadores] RV: [Scheduled] Google Emergency Network Maintenance Notification - Reference PCR/477177]

german en rectorado.unju.edu.ar german en rectorado.unju.edu.ar
Mar Abr 27 19:43:25 -03 2021

---------------------------- Mensaje original ----------------------------
Asunto: [Coordinadores] RV: [Scheduled] Google Emergency Network
Maintenance Notification - Reference PCR/477177
De:     "Christian Pazos" <noc.christian en cabase.org.ar>
Fecha:  Mar, 27 de Abril de 2021, 6:23 pm
Para:   coordinadores en listas.cabase.org.ar


Para su información.


Christian Pazos

De: Google NOC <noc-noreply en google.com>
Enviado el: lunes, 26 de abril de 2021 22:19
Para: andres en cabase.org.ar; noc.christian en cabase.org.ar;
noc en cabase.org.ar; pablo.fritz en nap.cabase.org.ar;
noc.douglas en cabase.org.ar; noc.edinxon en cabase.org.ar;
noc.julio en cabase.org.ar
Asunto: [Scheduled] Google Emergency Network Maintenance Notification -
Reference PCR/477177

Google Emergency Network Maintenance Notification - Reference PCR/477177


This message was sent to: [andres en cabase.org.ar
noc.christian en cabase.org.ar <mailto:noc.christian en cabase.org.ar> 
noc en cabase.org.ar <mailto:noc en cabase.org.ar> 
pablo.fritz en nap.cabase.org.ar <mailto:pablo.fritz en nap.cabase.org.ar> 
noc.douglas en cabase.org.ar <mailto:noc.douglas en cabase.org.ar> 
noc.edinxon en cabase.org.ar <mailto:noc.edinxon en cabase.org.ar> 
noc.julio en cabase.org.ar <mailto:noc.julio en cabase.org.ar> ]
These addresses were selected from the Google Peering Portal
<http://peering.google.com/> . You can update your preferences by
navigating to "Configuration > Contacts" and adjusting Email Subscriptions
for each user. You can find additional details about Contacts here

Start Time: 2021-04-28 06:29:59 +0000 UTC
End Time: 2021-04-28 12:14:59 +0000 UTC
Duration: 5h45m0s

Google ASN:


Peer ASN:


Google Neighbor Address(es):

Peer Neighbor Address(es):

Google Neighbor Address(es):


Peer Neighbor Address(es):


Please take no action to remove or shift traffic, Google systems will
automatically re-route traffic as needed.

Depending on the nature of the work, your BGP session with Google may stay
up through the maintenance window. You may also observe traffic shifts to
alternate sessions with Google and/or your upstream provider(s).

Questions about this event can be sent to noc en google.com
<mailto:noc en google.com> .

Thank you for peering with Google!


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